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Support (Auxiliary) | Light | Vaccine | APT25 | Ophanimon x2

Exclusive Microchip Core Effect: Main Skill AP consumption -1. At the beginning of the battle, grant all allies with 1 layer of Angel's Blessing and 1 layer of Angel's Protection, both lasting for 2 rounds.

Suitable General Microchip Core: When providing Recovery Effect to any ally, there is a 50% fixed probability to grant Crit Resist +20% buff to the target, lasting for 2 rounds.

Color Coding System Explanation

Blue Text: Skill name, weapon name, skill details, built-in stats bonus.

Red Text: Cleansable debuff or abnormal status.

Green Text: Dispellable buff or beneficial status.

Purple Text: Unpreventable unique effect.

Orange Text: Exclusive layer, undeletable green icons, stacks.

Red Highlight: Negative mark. Can be prevented by Mark Immunity or specific ability.

Green Highlight: Undispellable buff. Can be affected by Delete effect.

Orange Highlight: Exclusive mark. Can’t be prevented by Mark Immunity.

Purple Highlight: Negative halo. Unaffected by the enemy’s Status Resistance.

Blue Highlight: Beneficial halo buff. Will remain active as long as the provider still survive and not Isolated.

Basic Probability/Base Chance: This effect will calculate Status Hit vs Status Resistance.

Fixed Probability/Fixed Chance: This effect doesn’t calculate Status Hit vs Status Resistance.

Action Restriction: The inflicted target still able to take an action, but with restricted skill or condition.

Action Prohibition: The inflicted target will be unable to take any action at all.

Skills Translation

Normal Skill (Baptism of Holy Light)

Single Target | EXE: +10 | Direct Damage

  • Attack a single target, dealing 130% damage. Grants Damage Reduction +20% buff to ally with lowest HP ratio in the team, which lasts for 2 turns. When this skill is used under Eden's Lance, the Damage Reduction buff is granted to all allies instead.

Icons & Terms Explanation

( Eden's Lance: Ophanimon X's exclusive layer, can be used with other skills to produce special effects.)

Main Skill (Divine Light)

6 AP | Direct Damage | EXE: +50 | AOE

Override Effect: Ophanimon X can perform another action after this skill is released.

  • Attack all enemies, dealing 150% damage to each target. There is a 50% fixed probability to dispel all buffs on all targets.

  • Then, with a 50% fixed probability, randomly select 2 stats buff statuses from the dispelled buffs and grant them to all allies.

  • At the same time, remove 2 random Abnormal Statuses from all allies, granting them 1 layer of Angel's Blessing, which lasts for 2 rounds. After any ally with Angel's Blessing layer is defeated, consume the defeated ally's Angel's Blessing layer to grant Data Reconfiguration effect to the defeated ally, allowing the ally to return to the battle with 30% of their Maximum HP.

  • Then grant 1 layer of Angel's Protection to all allies, lasting for 2 rounds, with a maximum of 3 layers can be stacked.

Icons & Terms Explanation

( Angel's Blessing: Ophanimon X's exclusive layer. This layer can be consumed to grant a Data Reconfiguration effect when the possessor is defeated.)

(Data Reconfiguration: The type of effect that will allow the target to return to the battlefield despite being inflicted with any Revive Prohibition effect.)

( Angel's Protection: Ophanimon X's exclusive layer. Each layer will increase possessor's Maximum HP by +300% of Ophanimon X's ATK stats, and can be stacked up to 3 layers.)

Sub Skill (Eden's Lance)

5 AP | Direct Damage | EXE: +40 | Single Target

  • Attacks a single enemy, dealing 240% damage with a 100% basic probability to Delete all of the target's buffs. This effect will ignore the target's Status Resistance.

  • Based on the number of deleted buffs, each deleted buff will deal additional True Damage equivalent to 10% of the target's Maximum HP (each layer of damage does not exceed 200% of Ophanimon X's ATK stats).

  • Then, with a 100% fixed probability, inflict Sealed mark and Isolated mark to the target, both lasting for 1 rounds.

  • Before Ophanimon X's own turn, she will obtain Eden's Lance, lasting for 2 rounds.

  • After obtaining Eden's Lance, Ophanimon X's attacks is guaranteed to be critical hit. Additionally, gain Damage Increase +40% and ATK +40%, while also being immune to all negative marks and abnormal status.

  • At the beginning of the batlle, automatically cast this skill to the fastest enemy without costing any AP.

Icons & Terms Explanation

(Delete: Cause the specified buff to be erased, which also effective against undispellable buffs. However, the success of the action is determined by Status Hit and Status Resistance.)

(True Damage: When calculating the damage, Crit Rate, Crit Damage, Damage Increase, Damage Reduction, Crit Resist, Toughness and DEF stats will not be counted, and subtract the amount of damage directly from the target's HP)

( Sealed: A negative mark that would disable the target from using Main Skill. This effect is unavailable in PVE mode.)

( Isolated: The possessor of this mark will be isolated from the teammates, his skill will have no effect on his teammates, and he will not be affected by any of his teammate's skill effects. This effect will not work for PVE)

Passive Skill (The Power of Evolution)

  • Built-in Damage Reduction +40%. (Built-in stats also included when counting base stats)

  • For every 5,000 base DEF stats, increase Maximum HP +1%, ATK +1%, DEF +2%, with a maximum of 500,000 base DEF will be calculated. In PVE mode, when calculating the bonus, Ophanimon X will be considered as having at least 250,000 DEF.

  • When Ophanimon X uses any skill, she has 50% fixed probability to gain additional 50% EXE.

  • After making a move, grant a Recovery Effect to all allies, restoring their HP equivalent to 75% of Ophanimon X's ATK stats.

  • For each buff that Ophanimon X dispelled or deleted, grant a Recovery Effect to all allies, restoring their HP equivalent to 50% of Ophanimon X's ATK stats, with a maximum of 10 buffs will be calculated.

  • When any ally receives Fatal Damage, if Ophanimon X is holding Eden's Lance, consume the Eden's Lance to completely negate the Fatal Damage.

  • When Eden's Lance is consumed, Ophanimon X will grant all allies with 1 layer of Angel's Blessing and 1 layer of Angel's Protection, both lasting for 2 rounds. This effect has a 2-round cooldown period.

  • Beneficial Halo: When Ophanimon X is present, all allies will gain Crit Resist +20%, Damage Reduction +20 and Toughness +30%.

  • X-Antibody Attribute: Ophanimon X is immune to Silent status.

Icons & Terms Explanation

(Recovery Effect: A beneficial status that restores the target's HP according to the Healing Effectiveness of the healer and the target. This effect can be blocked by Recovery Block debuff, or be reversed by Recovery Reverse debuff.)

(Beneficial Halo: A special buff effect towards the team. This effect will remain active as long as the provider is present in the battle)

( Silent: A type of Action Restriction control status, disabling all skills aside from Normal Skill. This status also deactivate any passive effect from the disabled skills.)

Breakthrough Skill Upgrade

Breakthrough recommendations:

  • 1 Star: Unlock a lot of upgrade features such as microchips and awakening, also guaranteed to dispel and grant buffs.

  • 3 Stars: Both skills will consume less AP, allowing her to provide survivability support more constantly.

  • 6 Stars: Give her more survivability with full Damage Reduction stats upgrade from breakthrough and kernel bonus.

1 Star (Divine Light Level 2)

+50% fixed probability to dispel all buffs, +50% fixed probability to grant dispelled buffs.

Stats Boost : 1000 Status Resistance

2 Stars (Eden's Lance Level 2)

AP consumption -1.

Stats Boost : 5% Damage Reduction

3 Stars (Divine Light Level 3)

AP consumption -1, skill damage +30%.

Stats Boost : 1500 Status Resistance

4 Stars (The Power of Evolution Level 2)

Halo Buff: additional Crit Resist +5%, Damage Reduction +5%, Toughness +20%.

Stats Boost : 5% Damage Reduction

5 Stars (Eden's Lance Level 3)

Eden's Lance duration changed to permanent. Halo Buffs from Eden's Lance: Damage Increase +10%, ATK +10%.

Stats Boost : 10% Damage Reduction

6 Stars (The Power of Evolution Level 3)

Built-in Damage Reduction +10%, fixed probability of obtaining additional EXE +50%

Stats Boost : 150 SPD, 10% Damage Reduction

Build Recommendation

Digimon New Century is a game where your DPS unit could act as a Control unit, and your Support unit could act as your DPS unit. They are so expandable. This recommendation only offers the basic look to how you could set this unit up, but don't be so rigid, try out your own unique build, it surely would fit your team better.

High Status Resistance Build

Obtained from Omegamon Zwart D plugin dungeon.
Blessing Resistance Set (4)

Sub Stats

Status Resistance +3 or +4

SPD +2

DEF % +1

ATK % +1

Main Stat Slot-IV Plugin

SPD or Status Resistance

5th Substat

Status Resistance +1


Adhere (More survivability)

Cleanse (If not enough Status Resistance)

Accumulation (More AP means more Main Skill, means more Data Reconfiguration)

Core Stats

SPD + HP %

Status Resistance + SPD

Target Value

SPD +5500 to 6500

Status Resistance +60,000 to 70,000


Last updated

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