Beginner's Guide

Note: This is a Google Translated Essay. Good Luck in reading and understanding Google Translated text XD. Will get polished eventually. If you have questions, ask EvilSenpai in the discord.

Foreword: Digimon New Century is not a game where you can become stronger by spending money without thinking. You must choose the right method and a cost-effective gift package to maximize the money-making experience. There are also examples of F2P beating up Whales, so I hope everyone pays attention to the cost-effectiveness before spending money.

(Otherwise, you will be ridiculed and quit the game in the future, which is a waste of money and time. For those who have read my guide, I don’t want to hear people ridiculing, "Why are you not as good as me when I spent tens of thousands of yuans for tens of thousands of yuans?" This is very embarrassing. of)

For this game, I recommend low top-up, six yuan packages, or non-top-up because the current New server benefits are much better than before. Basically, everyone can play it; even Collectors can play very comfortably, except for the 648 yuan Ophanimon; all Digimons can be obtained for free (the time of writing this guide is January 22, 2024).

Of course, I also hope that Whales will come in because, without Whales’ efforts, this game might not exist.

  So much nonsense; let’s start the strategy of new area reclamation.

1: The early stage of this game can be divided into three paths:

"Digimon, plug-in (equipment), and talent (intimacy)." If there are no problems in the three paths, you will be very comfortable in the early game, and you can open up the game perfectly with zero top-up. , but if something goes wrong or takes a detour, it will cost you more time and money unless you don't want to remedy it.

2: Before getting started

You must understand the tasks that have to complete in the new area.

The most important task is to reach the full Alphamon breakthrough for the 15-day limited-time event. This is also the reason for this guide, to help F2P acquire a max breakthrough Alphamon for free. The event rules are to Spend 1,700 tickets within 15 days. Red tickets and green tickets are included in the 1,700 tickets. As long as they are used, the task progress will be increased. The ways to obtain tickets are:

  • The Network Domain: has no difficulty before the hard mode difficulty, and F2P players shouldn't have any difficulty after they make Alphamon. However, it is recommended that you purchase the weekly gift package Red ticket for 6 yuan to complete the first charge, which will make the early stage very, very comfortable (as they give you Wargreymon X). There’s no need to make it so uncomfortable for yourself.

  • The Archive (Story missions; not difficult, same as The Network Domain difficulty)

  • The Dark Area (Hard Mode is a little challenging; Normal mode is not that difficult; it seems to be opened at level 45. Basically, if your combat power reaches more than 3 million, you can complete the Hard Mode Dark Area)

  • Tactical events (weekly tasks, which contain 40 red tickets, plugin trial)

  • Captain's Manual (Novice activity, there are about 100 Tickets in seven days, as well as Gems and some other resources, both red and green tickets. On the seventh day, you need to make Rosemon and Vikemon to get green tickets)

  • Combat Mission (in the mission, there are about 350 green tickets; the requirements are relatively high, but it can be completed for free(is on the mission menu))

  • Weekly tasks (10 green tickets)

  • Daily tasks (1 green ticket)

  • Weekly Limited Time Events (this is not fixed, so it’s not easy to calculate)

  • Island Exploration (This activity is quite time-consuming, but one chapter gives about 25 to 40 green tickets. You can play nearly 12 chapters in the early game, but in my actual measurement, I ended up with 1,700 green tickets in the seventh chapter)

  • Diamond purchase (this very not recommended; only buy it if you do not have enough time to complete all the quests and need that extra bit of tickets)

3: Character priority in the Starter X-Anti Banner:

Magnamon X> Minervamon X> Cherubimon(Vice) X = Houomon X

In my opinion, Magnamon X is definitely ranked 1st, because if you summoned him, you will get two limited soul stones for free, not to mention that Magnamon X itself is a must-have character in the early stage. Minervamon is ranked 2nd because she is a DPS, 3 teams are needed to play the Trial Tower in the early stage. There is no doubt that Minervamon X's damage is very strong in the early stages, can be replaced with WarGreymon X(if you are a 6-yuan First-Time Top-up player) , sometimes if Alphamon cannot kill with a single blow, have Minervamon X attack first then use Alphamon to secure the kill, guaranteed to trigger his Passive. In addition, the Wood and Wind types have always been relatively expensive in general, you can save some resource for opening Sequencing Files and the Matrix later on, thats why Minervamon X in the early game is underestimated in my opinion. Reason for Cherubimon(Vice) X and Houomon X being ranked together, is because in my opinion it won’t be used in the early stage, but it won’t be used in the later stage, but if you are trying to make a Tank team in the future, then acquiring Houomon X is a good thing, but if you trying to make a Cleave team, then it is useless, Regarding priority, I feel that Cherubimon(Vice) X > Houomon X because in the early game, Cherubimon(Vice) X still has some amount of DPS, debuffs and health regeneration; in the Tower of Trial can also be paired with Omegamon Z. Although Houomon X can be paired with WarGreymon X, however, WarGreymon X's battle effectiveness plummeted after the Tower of Trial required 3 teams., and Houomon X has no DPS, making me feel a little bit useless, but this is my priority allocation of the characters in the Starter X banner. (Editor Note: so the secrets in the early stage are, in my opinion, to plan your teams ahead)

4: Professional Terms:

  • One break and two breaks = one star and two stars (the Digimon breakthrough and rises of stars)

  • PVE = dungeons and other AI battles (Network Domains, Archive, etc.)

  • PVP=play against living people (arena, ranked match)

(Enough with the nonsense; let’s return to the three roads to start the game)

5: The first path is the Digimon

It determines the smoothness of your PVE content, (In my 6-yuan top-up series) You can see that I'm using the Auto Battle to clear instead of Manual. This is because with proper team building, allows you to push the dungeon without thinking about it. Of course, F2P players will have a little difficulty in the early stages, but it will be smooth after you get Alphamon. So here are some Digimon recommended for the early stage:

  • MarineAngemon (zero breaks (0 star) is enough, temporary unit to get through the early stages and Sequencing Files, the main function is clear the 20th floor of the Rosemon boss with the immunity that Marineangemon gives, Whales players can ignore it)

  • Sakuyamon MM (zero break(0 star) is enough. It is a useful Digimon in the early, middle, and late game. It is also the first jogress that novices must do. Those who have used it know that group resurrection is strong as hell. Many people here say that Sakuyamon MM must be broken four times(4 stars), but actually, that’s not the case. If you are a whale player, that’s no problem, but F2P players don’t have many resources. Just give priority to the most cost-effective, which is Zero Break. The main function of the First Break is to install chips and awaken. It is actually not necessary for dungeons. Of course, if you want combat power, you must break it because the chip’s combat power bonus is very high)

  • Magnamon X(zero break(0 star) is enough, the only Must-Make X-Antibody for novices, The huge shield in the early stage and the near-death recovery established an unshakable position in the early stage, same as Sakuyamon MM most cost-effective at zero break, Is also one of the few X-Antibodies that is usable at zero break, 1 star depending on your own situation, high break if Whale, tho even for Whales, not recommened to high break)

  • Alphamon (must be fully broken (5 stars), the only Digimon APT18 who can still be all-powerful. His ability to ignore resistance and armor-piercing in the early game, good damage, and invincibility for one round makes him the best choice to dominate PVE and early PVP)

  • Omegamon Z (must be fully broken, in the dungeon is a true god, the Digimon with the highest theoretical single damage limit, with him, high-difficulty dungeons can be done, but the low break is a bit awkward)

  • Raijinmon (1 break is enough; the halo armor pierce is the most cost-effective, and the double armor pierce with Alphamon can make the enemy disappear. Many people say that a higher break is easier to use, but I don’t think it is necessary. It can delay progress, 1 break to unlock awakening is enough, used to open the awakening level)

  • Xuanwumon (preferably maxed out, a limited time digimon, tank role, hard to get, returns to the summoning pull in about two months or so. Before the existence of Magnamon X, was the go-to tank, with his self Health regeneration and the ability to negate 1 attack with the Main Skill and a very great AOE damage reduction, makes him decently strong unit, Unfortunately, the way to obtain it is unstable. Without his Summon banner, you can only rely on drawing him from other jogress green ticket pool in the early pities. This is also the reason why you must draw the jogress green pool in the early pities. What if you happen to get him, right?)

The above are early-stage Digimon that can be made without thinking. Some of them can be used in the end-game and will not cause any loss so that you can use them with confidence. The ones that are not written are unstable or not universal, so I will not recommend them for now.

6: The second way is to use the plug-in.

Whether the plug-in is good or not determines the power of your Digimon. The higher your power, the more you can clear. For plug-in tutorials, you can search for plug-ins on the website. There are detailed classifications.(Editor Note: wont be linking the vid, since its in chinese)

There is a strong relationship between plug-ins, levels, and activities, which is a key idea in the early stage of land development. Everyone knows that no matter what you do with your stamina, you will gain Player experience and Digimon experience. The general direction of early levels is to farm plug-ins. In the earlier stage, on the event page, there is a task called Tactical Feedback. In it, you can get points by farming plug-ins and receive some additional resources( 6k energy per floor). This is also the main way to earn free resources in the middle and later stages. Among them:

  • Gold coins (needless to say, they are very versatile, and the more, the better)

  • Digital Dust (a prop used to purchase cards when opening Digital Bonds)

  • Red Crystal (a prop for summoning chips, which can greatly increase combat power in the early stage, but it is recommended to save 2,400 for use. There will be an event after the server has existed for more than 21 days to use it.)

  • Red ticket (an important resource for drawing top Digimon X antibodies)

These are the resources that can be used in the early, middle, and late stages and are always important. Therefore, when you use plug-ins in the earlier stage to upgrade your level, you can also complete these tasks without wasting resources.

The plug-ins that are most lacking in the early stage are Violent(Crit Rate) set and Vitality(HP) set. Violent(Crit Rate) set is a necessary plug-in for DPS in the earlier stage and will be replaced by the Burst(Crit Damage) plugin set in the mid game(Of course, best if it has the DMG INC stat). Vitality(HP) set is for the Tanks.

One thing to remember is that for plugins stages with max 28 floor, only floor 20 and above will guarantee 5-star plugins, and resources required for soul-core farming will only be available at levels 26 and above. For plugin stages with max 10 floors, only floor 4 and above guarantee 5-star plugin, and floor 8 and above have the resources required for soul-core farming. So in the early game, the plugin dungeons to farm is the Rosemon and Seraphimon.

For Rosemon Trial, can use MarineAngemon and Pixiemon to greatly reduce the difficulty, and it is the source of early DPS plugins, so the first priority is the Trial of Rosemon. I have tested that with Marineangemon and Pixiemon and 600k combat power, you can stably auto clear stage 20 without any difficulty. For more details, you can watch my old video about it.

While Seraphimon Judgment requires maximized EFF HIT BlackGreymon (BlackGreymon's normal attacks have 100% chance to inflict Unhealable, and stage 20 requires about 9000 EFF HIT, the higher the stage, the more you need), This way, you can greatly reduce the difficulty, when you can clear plugin stage 20, You can start farming for levels. This way you won’t waste plug-ins or energy.

In the process, you can replace good plug-ins if you find them, which saves time and cost. The higher the level, the more activities will be opened, and more green tickets sources will be unlocked.

Priority is level 50, which can open all the activities sources of the green ticket in the early stage, so it is particularly critical whether you can get through the stage 20 of plug-ins in the early stage.

Unless you don’t care about these plug-ins, it doesn’t matter. After completing the four tactical feedbacks in the early stage and other PvE, your level should be around 50-60, after reaching lvl60 there is no need to particularly focus on farming exp, since nearly all activities are unlocked, you can take your time, later you can farm 2 to Tactical Feedback to maintain balance, the weekly staminas and gems can support you to farm 2, my main account is also F2P, clearing 2 Tactical Feedback weekly leaves still with about 2000 gem, equivalent to saving 2000 gems a week.

7: The last way is talent.

This way is very critical in the early stage because it depends on whether you can get nearly 350 green tickets in the combat mission for free, and this thing cannot be wrong from the beginning. If you make a mistake later, Remediation is needed because Alphamon’s activities only last for 15 days, and remediation requires a lot of time and money, so make sure you don’t make a mistake.

During the first few days of the server, the accumulation of Food and Intimacy is important. On the first day of the start of the server, you need to unlock the illustrastions. Yes, there are illustrations for food, and the highest quality food Perfect lvl Digimons can eat is Purple, so the illustrations only need to open to purple (The Purple Foods MUST be for Digimons exchangeable at the Datamon NPC). Some people will say that there is not enough food. It is inevitable. There are three additional ways to obtain food. The first is the competitive store in the shop. It is essential to buy the Food Selection box in it. The other is the Digital Chip to upgrade the Food building on LaiEn Island, it is also essential, but the Food Selection box is bigger priority. Just make sure you have extra points to buy it the next day. The Team Store is the second way to get it after the 3V3 Arena is opened. All food can be exchanged in it, but milk is the most expensive, so in LaiEn Island prioritize upgrading the Food building that is more expensive. Of course, the cheaper food-producing buildings should not be too low because the first few levels are relatively cheap to upgrade, and it is enough to upgrade to about lvl5 or 6.

Then, upgrading intimacy is also a science. It is not convenient to explain in detail here. A rough explanation is that the prepared food can be eaten by the corresponding Digimon, and the effect will be doubled.

A good tip for increasing intimacy is with Datamon, which has a function that lets you exchange one Perfect lvl into another Perfect lvl. In this way, if your desired digimon can be exchanged in Datamon, you can make seven or eight kinds of food with double affinity by swapping one Perfect lvl for another.

8: Now that we’ve discussed the three easy paths, let’s discuss the rewards and reclamation for the new servers. (this is from my six-yuan perspective of land reclamation. f2p player may be a day or two slower, but it doesn’t matter. P2W players or those who buy the starter gift pack can follow the same idea in the next few days, I will add more later)

The earlier you enter the server on the first day, the better. It’s best to enter right after the server opens so you can pass the map a little bit and wait until the Arena comes out, then go directly to the AI players to farm up your rank. The higher your rank, the more gems you will get. In total, it’s about 10,000 gems. If you refresh it more than five times and can’t get the AI player out, then don't fight anymore. Don’t waste too many gems. Go as high as you can.

After completing missions and stuffs on the first day, you will be around level 23 or so. You can farm plug-ins to improve the overall stats, and to get to level 26 to open the Trial Card Tower.

The early stage is straightforward. Stop when you need two teams. The first day is basically over when you reach here. Afterward, it is best to get MarineAngemon (except for the P2W guy) to prepare for the 20th floor of the Rosemon the next day. If you do not have her, you can use the Datamon to exchange for the soul stone.

Remember, only exchange the Common Soul Stones for other Common Soul Stones, and exchange Limited for Limited, NEVER APT22 soul stones. If you don’t know how to tell the difference, go to the Limited Exchange section of Datamon to see the list of Digimons. Just remember those.

It’s best to have Sanzomon, WarGrowlmon, DoruGreymon in the lineup on the first day. Don't evolve Sanzomon and WarGrowlmon, use them as the protagonists required for Talent Missions. They will need to be raised to 45 intimacy later on. In addition, you need unlock the Food Galleries at LaiEn Island every day. Need to craft Food when the cooldown is over . This is very important, it is related to the speed at which the intimacy between Sanzomon and WarGrowlmon reaches level 45. (I won’t mention LaiEn Island later, just remember to do it every day).

You can start grinding the Rosemon plugin trial the second day. This day is mainly to farm level. You can grind as much as you want and use Auto Mode all the time (you can only Auto Battle 30 stages at a time; you need to check it from time to time)

When you are free, you can do tasks and domains; then, regarding soul stones, you can do the growth tasks in the tasks menu(It's the missions requiring you to obtain the Digimon that become Omegamon and Omegamon AS) . This way, you can get the Red Tickets to summon the Starter X-Antibody Banner(Sometimes there will be a Summon Banner for Magnamon X, if it is there, you can summon on that one instead, since the Starter Banner is also to gamble the chances to obtain Magnamon X), if you are missing some red tickets to get Magnamon X, you can buy a few if its to summon other Digimon, it is recommended that you do not buy it, because it is not worth, Just like my six-yuan land reclamation, I made Omegamon AS for red tickets.

If you can get red tickets for free, do it. Don't buy them. Get all the resources you can get for free first, and then consider buying them if you see you won't be able to get to Alphamon soul stones. Gems have more uses.

On the 3rd day, usually will have around 1,000,000 Digimon exp, 1 Jogress Tube(exchanged at the Digivolution Shop); after you clear Side Story Mission, you will have a Special Story Mission that gives you 2 Rare Soul stones(XiangPengmon and DiJiangmon btw), use them at Datamon to exchange for Kuzuhamon and Sakuyamon, and then fuse them into Sakuyamon MM at the Evolution Chamber, one of the must-have digimons in the early game, after getting her your Auto Battles will be much better, then just keep clearing PvE contents.

The Island Exploration should have started on the fourth day. Farm the island until you can’t pass it. Generally speaking, you will get stuck at Chapter 7(there is a video guide) and need a strong Alphamon for this. If you don't, you can pass it later.

Now, we have the sequence requirements. You must start to think about what Digimon to get. you should have a second Jogress Tube and 1,000,000 Digimon exp. If you are short of red tickets, you can first synthesize Omegamon and get the red tickets. Then, you can use him in dungeons and trial towers. Otherwise, you can make Omegamon Zwart to use as DPS for the 3rd team in Trial Card Tower. If you need to make Omegamon, clear the Sequencing Files that require Water and Fire type first(that's lvls 5 and 6); otherwise, you won't have Water and Fire Digimon to clear it.

The main force of the third team of the Trial Tower should be Omegamon (as the first time have Alphamon and the second Omegamon Zwart); you must first pass through the sequence requirements of water and fire types before doing this. Otherwise, there will be no fire or water-type Digimon after combining Omega (as you will lose Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon).

On the 5th day, you can make the Digimon you obtained from the Starter X-Antibody Banner, which will also be used for the Card Tower. If it is Magamon X, you can prepare to make him after making Sakuyamon MM. The Tower of Card Trial is a big part of improving combat effectiveness, but it requires a lot of Digimons; do your best to clear up to the point to can't clear anymore.

On the 6th day, you should have unlocked the Microchips. This is the number 1 power source for the early game. A set of lvl4-5 Purple Microchips adds about 160,000 combat power, if you want to have high combat power, make 5 1star digimons and equip them with microchips, but do not waste resources to purely raise combat power, take it slowly.

On the 7th day, as long you are grinding, there shouldn't be many missions left to do, maybe just the Talent missions. Intimacy Foods can also be obtained from QQ Game Center and XinYue events; it'll reduce the difficulty slightly; there is not really much else to say; make sure on the 7th Day Quests of the Captain's Manual Event, you make Rosemon and Vikemon to claim the green ticket, you will also need them to unlock gallery, so it's not a waste.

Starting on the 8th day, it's just the Talent Mission, so nothing else to say.

9: About the Paying status of each player

If you are a f2p, it will probably be two or three more days of grinding to do everything I said before. Whales and Jumping pack buyers will take a lot less time.

According to an actual example, if you get the jumping pack, it will be over in about five days because you don’t need to particularly focus on farming levels, and the plug-ins that are given as rewards let you easily get more copies. Do the plugins task on the task menu if you need red tickets. In fact, if you purchased the Jumping Pack, you can do way more grinding because all the activities start at the beginning as you reach level 60 sooner. If you don't hard grind and just play slowly, it'll be the same as F2P and 6 yuans Wargreymon X, but with more resources.

10: The 9 steps from before were made for the new servers. Next, let’s talk about the soul core.

Nowadays, soul cores have their own uses, and there is no weak one, but they are basically based on PVP. The Digimons that can be used in PVE are Fanglongmon (AP recovery, counterattack) and Imperialdramon PM (invincible, limited damage, resurrection). Fanglongmon is mainly for the AP recovery but needs 6 stars to be stable. Imperialdramon PM can be used with zero break, but it is useless.

Apocalymonand Bagramon are PvP digimons. It is not recommended for beginners. Top Players say that Bagramon is disgusting, but only in the high ranks. Don’t do it if you are lower than S10. If you are a novice making Soul Core, you can only make it after reaching 5-star Alphamon and 5-star Omegamon Z because you must be able to clear Plugin stages 26+ or 8+ to obtain Soul Core Digimon farming parts.

You can grind a Soul Core with about 12,000 stamina. However, when you grind the soul core, you can get about 90 advanced plugin core treasure chests, as well as Polishing Stones, natural crystals, awakening codes, card packs, etc.

So, if you can't beat plug-in 26 or 8 in the early stage, you can still farm it, which is quite helpful for resource expansion in the early stage. I will consider doing it when the early stage lineup is formed (Alphamon and Omegamon Z full breakthrough) because soul cores are very resource-consuming.

If you are a beginner, you can consider opening the gallery for the Soul Core Digimon because the current 4 Digimon are old; you can wait for a new one and then consider farming; if you really want a 6star one, then you can consider Fanglongmon as he is the only one with AP recovery.

11: In terms of the Digital Technology

it is recommended to gacha all the gold coins every day. The half-price gem gatcha can be considered by whales, but F2P should not consider it. It costs too many gems and is not cost-effective.

If you are a whale player, you will get the technology selection box in the early stages. There is no best thing, only the most suitable.

You can wait until the main team or the main DPS is determined before considering opening the technology of choice. If the technology of choice in the self-selection box exceeds six or seven, that is the advanced option. You must spend money to get them, so consider it carefully.

For F2P players, technology can basically only be obtained through major events, so don’t be anxious and play slowly.

Several technologies are must-haves. The first one is Super Power Shoes. This technology has a Hit Rate bonus. It is handy for clearing some dungeons. It must be upgraded to full stars.

The second one is the Status Mirror, which has the effect of dispersing the buff and gaining the buff. It’s not bad.

You can also max out Firm Earphones, which are extremely cost-effective. These are all available to F2P so that they can be used.

12: Microchips are a big consumer of gold coins.

A fully-leveled gold chip can consume about 3.5~4.5 billion gold coins.

Purple and blue chips are not recommended to be fully upgraded except for speed. (Editor's Note: Actually, Blue Non-Speed stat Microchip can be upgraded, as exp is inherited, so raise them, and then when you get the Purple rarity, feed it to it.) Just use the purple one first. The main thing is the gold chip.

There are three types of chips:

Basic stats (attack, defense, HP, speed)

Damage-increasing chips (water and fire, earth and wood, light and darkness, wind and thunder, and single element)

Damage reduction chips (water and fire, earth and wood, light and dark, wind and thunder, and all damage reduction)

The most precious chips are speed, all damage reduction, and single element damage increase (Light, Dark, Water, Fire, Earth, Wood, Wind), especially the golden chips, which are the best of the best. If there is no guaranteed event (once a month), you may not be able to get even one by just relying on luck for half a year.

The chip's level bonus and combat power bonus are also very clear. Basically, a gold chip with the same attribute will have twice as much combat power as a purple chip with the same attribute (for example, the purple chip has a combat power of 10,000, and the gold chip has a combat power of 20,000).

In the early stage, if you want to increase your combat effectiveness quickly, you need to fill it with chips.

A set of purple level four to five chips can add about 160,000 to each Digimon, and gold can add about 320,000.

If all five Digimon are equipped, multiply it by five, which is 900,000 for a purple five-piece set. It’s about 10,000, and the gold five-piece set is approximately 1,600,000. this is not the highest-level chip, so you can imagine how outrageous it is. A broken Digimon can be filled with chips, so you know where the combat power of the new area rankings comes from.

Gold chips are relatively rare and require red crystals to obtain. Purple chips can only be obtained by gold coins alone, so purple chips are excessive and do not require special care. The current version of red crystals can be obtained fairly well.

In addition to tactical feedback, weekly events will occasionally give you a few hundred of those red crystals, which is pretty okay.

The most precious ones now are speed gold chips because there are no other ways to obtain them except the gatcha red crystal system and money recharge. This is also the only way to identify the account limit.

The speed of full-level gold is 600, and there is also a full-level gold core chip. The speed core chip is also 600. With two, your speed will be 1200 more than without. This is a fatal gap, which leads to the vitality of golden speed chips. Other single-attribute chips and damage-reduction chips can be obtained through activities. As long as you have enough physical strength, you can get them for free, so the rare grades have dropped by more than one level.

13: Special BUFF

Each attribute has a special BUFF that cannot be dispelled

Light: Heavenly Punishment (after being marked, being attacked by a light Digimon will dispel a buff)

Thunder: Overload (Other teammates are attacked by a thunder character, and the marked character will receive 10% real damage)

Fire: Armor Melt (increases damage received from attacks by fire Digimon by 20% and reduces resistance to burning effects by 40%)

Wind: Wind Blade (Digimon with marks have a probability of triggering combos when attacked by wind Digimon. Up to 10 layers, with each layer increasing the probability by 6%)

Wood type: Parasitism (Digimon with this mark are poisoned by 50%, and there is a 50% chance that poisoned Digimon will not be removed)

Earth: Magnetization (Digimon with this effect counterattack outside the action round, the combo damage is increased by 15%, and the damage avoidance is increased by 15%)

14: There are two points to pay attention to in awakening; one is upgrade, and the other is breakthrough.

Upgrading the awakening requires using awakening factors divided into primary, secondary, intermediate, advanced, and ultimate(green to red tubes). The ratio is 1/2. In awakening, each light dot represents a level.

You can breakthrough after each page is fully upgraded. However, there are prerequisites for every breakthrough, which is the level you need to reach globally. You can see the question mark next to "Total Absorption and Awakening Level" on the awakening page.

Breakthrough requires Advanced Awakening Code(the golden tablet); this is the only breakthrough material. It takes about 100 to reach the full level.


This game has two types of buffs: buff (can be dispelled) and aura (cannot be dispelled). These two buffs can be superimposed on each other, but the same one will only take the highest value.

It is straightforward to distinguish. Digimon: If there is a gain bar above the head, what can be displayed is the gain, and what is not displayed is the aura.

Most of the gains are bonuses after the Digimon uses skills. The aura is a passive gain. Generally speaking, it is available initially, so I will not list it here. Just have a rough understanding of it in the early stage.

16: Which one is better, the collection room or the matrix?

This question should have troubled many people. Let me answer it this time.

Prioritize the matrix. You can also open the matrix when doing the sequence in the early stage, so there is no loss. The key is that the matrix only requires one Digimon. There is no need to upgrade the star. After the matrix is filled up, the decomposed soul stone can continue to improve slightly. There is no need for a jogress and other Resources, so the priority in the early stage is relatively high.

The collection room is built later. It will only be considered when your lineup is complete, and the resources have overflowed. Generally, you will only make a collection room when you have over 20 million. Otherwise, it is generally Generally speaking, it is put in after the Digimon in need are upgraded to the first level. It can be useful without wasting resources.

17: Airship combat

In this mode, you can obtain breakthrough fragments for the energy matrix (fragments are usually obtained by decomposing soul stones in Datamon). There is nothing to talk about in this dungeon. Just remember to play it every day. Max out the Digimon with the highest combat effectiveness, and then you keep sweeping; if you can't beat it, start from scratch and try to break through the stuck level for a few days. This dungeon is a process of accumulating little power and adding up. Persistence is victory.

18: Fighting Skills Challenge

It relies more on luck because two Digimon will be randomly deleted every round. You can try it every week and try to do it when your Digimon can challenge a level with one DPS because if you try and the last two DPS are gone, the fight will be in vain.

19: Island adventure

It is the place to obtain awakening materials. One interesting thing about this dungeon is that it can automatically pass the map but requires combat power. However, if you automatically pass the map and then play again, you will find that you can still pass many levels by playing smartly,

20: Online combat dungeon

You need to defeat the boss. These Big Boss challenges are activated around 12 am and 10 am every day, so just let professional players carry you.

21: Devimon Challenge

This event is a dungeon to test your skills. This level tests your understanding and coordination of the characters. It will be more difficult for novices, but several Digimon are basically equivalent to winning, such as Alphamon. , Belstamon, Junomon, Sakumon

22: This dungeon of Ultimate Trial is geared towards high combat effectiveness. For novices, it’s enough to be able to pass one or two levels. Don’t force this.

23: Tactical simulation battle

It is a place to obtain Teseracts (props for pulling in the trainer mapping). Like the Devimon Challenge, this mode also tests your Digimon understanding and matching ability, but it seems that no one is fighting because it is too difficult to get the Digimon you desire.

The gold core map is very hard to get, and the combat power bonus is not much, so there are fewer people playing it.

24: You can see all Digimon in the illustrated book

This includes evolution routes and food, so if you don’t know how to evolve a certain Digimon, you can look through it (the opening position is on your phone in the lower right corner).

If you can see the ending, give me a free like and forward this guide to your friends who need it so they don’t take detours.

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