Equipped on Slot-1
After entering battle, increase DEF by 𝑥% for all allies.
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Equipped on Slot-2
When our ally deals a critical hit, gain a Recovery Effect for itself equivalent to 𝑦% of it's Maximum HP.
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Equipped on Slot-3
Increase Evasion Rate by 𝑧% for all allies.
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Equipped on Slot-1
After entering battle, increase our team's Healing Received by 𝑥%, lasting for 2 rounds.
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Equipped on Slot-2
When an ally is defeated, all other remaining allies will gain a Recovery Effect equivalent to 𝑦% of their 20% Maximum HP.
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Equipped on Slot-3
Increase our Support (Auxiliary) role ally's Healing Effectiveness by 𝑧%.
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Equipped on Slot-1
After entering battle, increase our team's Healing Effectiveness by 𝑥%, lasting for 2 rounds.
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Equipped on Slot-2
When cleansing abnormal status from any ally, grant a Recovery Effect equivalent to 𝑦% of the target's Maximum HP.
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Equipped on Slot-3
Increase the Maximum HP of all allies by 𝑧%.
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