
Una caricatura de una persona Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

Role: DPS

Element: Wind

Attribute: Data

Awakening Group:

Ability: AOE, Wind Blade

Jogress Material:

Normal Skill

Digivolution Energy: +10

- Attacks all targets 2 times, each time dealing 30% damage, with 50% chance to inflict 1 Wind Blade mark for 3 turns

Main Skill

Ap: 6

Digivolution Energy: +30

- Inflicts 3 Wind Blade mark to all targets for 3 turns. Afterwards, attack all targets 4 times, each time dealing 40% damage. Activates [Chaos Realm] for 1 turn. Within [Chaos Realm], when allies trigger Wind Blade mark, it will not be removed

Digivolution Effect: Final Damage + 30%

Sub Skill

After dealing damage, gain 1 Rush for 1 turn; max 30, when gaining Rush again it will refresh duration. Every stack of Rush grants UltimateChaosmon 10 SPD, 1% DMG INC and 1% DMG REDUC. UltimateChaosmon gains 10 Rush at the start of battle.

Passive Skill

- Entry effect: After entering battle, UltimateChaosmon gains [Energy Burst] effect, ATK+40% for 3 turns and at the same time inflict 3 Wind Blade marks to all targets, for 3 turns. If revived UltimateChaosmon, trigger this skill again. When UltimateChaosmon participates in Combo attacks with an ally, gain 1 AP

Breakthrough Skill Upgrade

1 Star

Skill2 AP cost-1

2 Stars (Grey Cannon Lvl. 2)

Skill1 DMG each hit+10%; +50% chance for Wind Blade

3 Stars (Turbulent Overload Lvl. 2)

Passive +10% ATK

4 Stars (Data Explosion Lvl. 2)

Skill2 DMG each hit+20%

5 Stars (Garuru Sword Lvl.3)

Skill3 +20 Rush on entry

6 Stars (Data Explosion Lvl. 3)

Skill2 [Chaos Realm] +1 turn

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